Water & Wastewater

City Of Santa Rosa Continuous Utility Projects

City Of Santa Rosa Continuous Utility Projects City Of Santa Rosa, California Coastland | DCCM has provided continuous on-call design and construction management services to the City of Santa Rosa since 2000. In this capacity, Coastland | DCCM has been responsible for designing and inspecting a variety of utility improvements including replacement of antiquated water, sewer and storm drain systems. Coastland has provided design and construction management services for over 50 utility projects with construction costs between $300,000 and $7 million. The water and sewer improvement projects often involve roadway improvements as well. Street reconstruction includes full-depth asphalt concrete paving or asphalt concrete overlay and replacement of curb ramps and sidewalk sections.

Bodega Bay Wastewater Treatment Plan

Bodega Bay Wastewater Treatment Plan Bodega Bay Public Utility District, California Coastland | DCCM provided engineering design services for the addition of a second cloth filter at Bodega Bay’s wastewater treatment plant. The additional filter gives District staff the flexibility to alternate filter units during the lower flow months, as well as use both filters during high flow months. The second filter eliminates a critical flow limitation through the plant and allows the WWTP to operate in conformance with State regulations. Construction plans and specifications were completed to incorporate the new filter into the overall WWTP system. The work included piping, electrical and SCADA integration into the existing control system. Coastland | DCCM also provided construction management and inspection services on the installation of the second cloth filter. 

Lower Weyand Lateral Replacement Project

Lower Weyand Lateral Replacement Project Solano Irrigation District, California Coastland | DCCM prepared construction documents for 8,100 feet of 18-inch to 48-inch diameter DR 17 HDPE pipe, directional drilling of 18-inch diameter DR 17 HDPE pipe and connections to existing pump stations. The design included determining alternative alignments, preparation of right-of-way acquisition documents, completion of encroachment permits (including traffic control plans), topographic survey, drafting construction standards and details for new materials and construction methods, drafting plans and specifications, construction cost estimates, and project schedules for these projects. 

Aerial view of the Verdera North Water Infrastructure project

Verdera North Water Infrastructure

Verdera North Water Infrastructure City of Lincolnville, California The purpose of the Verdera North Water Infrastructure project is to provide the City with adequate storage and supply of water to accommodate growth and to enhance reliability to the City’s existing citizens by providing redundancy to the City’s existing system. The project consisted of a 5-MG prestressed-concrete tank, a pad for a future 5-MG tank, 4,000 feet of 36-inch pipeline, 933 feet of 16-inch pipeline to high elevation customers, a sewer pump station and force main, a recreation trail, filling an abandoned 7-acre municipal water storage pond and extensive oak tree mitigation planting. Coastland | DCCM provided project management services from project inception through construction, including developing project budgets, consultant selection (engineering and construction management), preliminary design studies, design oversight, bidding and award, SCADA, construction, and operational start-up. 

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