Mitchell/Shiloh/Conde Drainage & Roadway Improvements
Mitchell/Shiloh/Conde Drainage & Roadway Improvements Town of Windsor, California Coastland | DCCM completed design and project management for three 36-foot wide arch culvert creek crossings, 1.5 miles of roadway extensions, reconstruction and overlays, new sidewalk, drainage improvements, storm drain creek outfalls, water and sewer main extensions, new travel lanes and bike lanes, electrical facilities, railroad warning installation, at-grade rail crossings, median island construction, lighting, traffic signals, water and reclaimed water systems, and landscaping. The project included overseeing several subconsultants for various components of the design. Coordination with the NWPRR railroad, SMART, Caltrans, property owners, utility companies, and regulatory agencies (Fish and Wildlife, Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Board) was essential. The construction cost is approximately $7.5 million.