Talbot Avenue Storm Water Quality Project
City of Santa Rosa, California
Coastland | DCCM designed the Talbot Avenue Improvement Project to treat water runoff by employing bioretention tree well systems and hydromodification control systems. The tree well units are custom manufactured by Filterra Bioretention Systems, housing filter media in underground concretes containers. The media capture storm water pollutants, which are decomposed, volatilized and incorporated into the filter media biomass. Treated flows are routed to underdrains that discharge into the hydromodification systems. The storm water quality improvements were constructed as part of a larger capital project serving multiple objectives, including traffic calming, pedestrian enhancements and utility improvements. The entire project was completed in 2010 at a cost of approximately $2.3 million.
The project represents a notable collaboration of City of Santa Rosa staff, Caltrans, Sonoma County Transportation Authority, North Coast Regional Water Control Board, the contractor, and Coastland | DCCM’s design and construction management teams working together to protect the environment.
The Talbot Storm Water Quality Improvement Project was selected as the winner of Storm Water Solutions Top Storm Water & Erosion Control Project of 2010. The award recognizes innovative, challenging projects that address issues such as runoff treatment, water quality monitoring and flood control.