
Paradise Skyway Corridor

Skyway Corridor Town of Paradise, California Coastland | DCCM is currently assisting the Town of Paradise with transportation projects focused on rebuilding roads and adding evacuation routes. Specifically, the Town is using state and federal funds (ATP and CDBG) to widen segments of the Skyway (the Town’s main arterial roadway) to add emergency evacuation lanes on the roadway and to construct a parallel Class 1 bike/pedestrian trail that is also capable of accommodating emergency vehicles during evacuations. The bike/pedestrian trail will be used to get emergency vehicles to the incident areas while the new evacuation lanes will be used to evacuate residents from the area. The DCCM team is providing engineering design (PS&E), environmental review and permitting, surveying, geotechnical, traffic signal design, and right-of- way acquisition following FHWA, HUD and State of California requirements. Special coordination is required during design to account for simultaneous efforts within the project footprint by PG&E (electric utility company) who is designing and constructing new underground electric infrastructure to replace damaged overhead systems. This work is being done under a $5M, 5-year on-call contract.

Piedmont Contract City Engineer

Contract City Engineer City of Piedmont, California Since becoming the City of Piedmont’s contract City Engineer in 2011, Coastland | DCCM’s services to the City include as-needed attendance at coordination and City Council meetings, answering public inquiries, and managing the City’s capital improvement program. Coastland | DCCM provides capital project oversight, design, bidding assistance and construction management and inspection services. Services also include coordination and approvals through Caltrans Local Assistance.  The City is committed to increasing transportation choices for residents and reducing dependency on automobiles. High priority projects will aim to keep the City safe and pedestrian friendly, improve bike routes and bus services, and provide safe and feasible transportation alternatives.  To date, Coastland | DCCM has provided project administration, design, construction management and inspection for over 50 capital projects. Coastland | DCCM is currently working with the City to update the Pavement Management Program (PMP) by performing complete inspections of the City’s arterial and collector streets.  Coastland | DCCM has also provided contract Building Department Services to the City of Piedmont since 2011. Our services include processing and tracking of all building permits, maintaining building department records, tracking of all plan reviews, performing plan checks, building inspection and code enforcement. Many plan check projects have been high-end residential homes. Plan checks include reviews for structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, access, architectural, and energy code compliance. 

Large blue pipes inside of a building

Lincoln-Penryn PCWA Pipeline Phase 2

Lincoln-Penryn PCWA Pipeline Phase 2 City of Lincoln, California As part of the ongoing Engineering Support services provided to the City of Lincoln, Coastland | DCCM managed the design and construction phases of the Lincoln-Penryn PCWA Pipeline Phase 3 Project. This Project involved construction of a 1.2 mile long 42-inch diameter water transmission pipeline along the highest elevations in eastern Lincoln and a structure designed to measure the amount of water delivered to the City from Placer County Water Agency (PCWA).  Coastland | DCCM’s project management services included reviewing design documents and providing comments, reviewing right-of-way acquisitions needed and coordinating the acquisition for the remaining easements, monitoring project budget and schedule, and attending City Council, jurisdictional agency and public relations meetings.  The City of Lincoln worked closely with PCWA to construct this key piece of infrastructure to ensure the City has adequate water supplies. Over the past two decades, PCWA and the City have been constructing new facilities, including water distribution pipelines and storage tanks, to increase the volume of treated surface water that PCWA can provide to the City to meet anticipated future demands. These new facilities are collectively known as the Penryn-Lincoln Pipeline. The total project cost was approximately $8.4 million. 

Exterior view of a stately two-story building on a clear day

Willows Contract City Engineer, Development Review

Contract City Engineer, Development Review City of Willows, California Since 2008, Coastland | DCCM has been under contract with the City of Willows for City Engineering services. Coastland | DCCM has provided staff augmentation, program/project management and design, funding assistance, CIP management and studies, development review and conditioning, plan and map review, emergency response, Pavement Management Program (PMP) updates, city surveyor, construction management and inspection, coordination with Caltrans, traffic studies and design, coordination with Glenn County Transportation Commission, presentations to City Council, jurisdictional agency coordination and public relations. 

Green sign that says "Welcome to Wheatland California"

Wheatland Contract City Engineer

Contract City Engineer City of Wheatland, California Coastland | DCCM services to Wheatland involve all aspects of city engineering. As contract City Engineer since 2008, Coastland | DCCM manages all public works, maintenance and public facilities projects. Services include staff augmentation / on-site support, program / project management and design, funding assistance, CIP management and studies, pavement management program development, development services and reviews, construction management and inspection, coordination with Caltrans, presentations to the City Council, and more.

GIS Development Services

GIS Development Services City of Piedmont, California Coastland | DCCM integrated storm water and sanitary systems utility data the City of Piedmont had generated over the past several years and developed an online WebGIS portal for the City. The new GIS system includes a wide variety of information on sewer, storm drain, water (from EBMUD), striping, parks, topography, recent aerial imagery, parcel data, bus routes, as-built construction plans and more, that can be easily accessed by the City’s public works crews and other personnel via electronic devices such as smart phones, tablets and laptops.  Coastland | DCCM updates the database as needed to ensure the GIS system reflects accurate information. 

Kaiser (Third Party) Medical Office Building

Kaiser (Third Party) Medical Office Building City of Santa Rosa, California Coastland | DCCM performed building department plan review and inspection services for this 87,300-square foot medical office building (MOB) on Mercury Way in southwest Santa Rosa. The nearly $50 million building is equipped with 60 offices for medical providers and 102 medical exam rooms.   The building superstructure is a proprietary ConXtech special steel moment frame system with metal-stud, non-load bearing walls. The exterior finish materials consist of composite metal panels and storefront glass.   The facility expands Kaiser’s ability to serve western Sonoma County and offers services for Primary Care, Pediatrics, Podiatry, Pharmacy, Clinical Lab, OB/GYN and Dermatology. The facility is officially certified as LEED Platinum for low energy and water use and was completed in May of 2018. 

Exterior view of a large resort-style building with a stone patio and fire pit with chairs surrounding it visible in the foreground

Ritz Carlton Vacation Club at Northstar Highlands

Ritz Carlton Vacation Club at Northstar Highlands County of Placer, California Coastland | DCCM completed full plan review and inspection services on the seven-story Ritz-Carlton Hotel located at Northstar-at-Tahoe Ski Resort near Truckee. This 5-star resort is LEED Silver certified with a $300 million construction cost. The project was privately funded with many complex issues. Through general direction from the Placer County Building Department, Coastland | DCCM collaborated with the designers and builders to successfully overcome key code compliance issues early in the process. 

Catholic Charities, Caritas Village

Catholic Charities, Caritas Village City of Santa Rosa, California Located in downtown Santa Rosa, the Caritas Village Project is proposed as a national model to provide permanent solutions to reduce homelessness and is comprised of two developments: Caritas Center and Caritas Homes. In total, the development involves the construction of just over a full city-block. The Caritas Center consists of a comprehensive family and homeless support services facility to be operated by Catholic Charities. Caritas Homes is an affordable housing development to be operated by Burbank Housing.  Coastland | DCCM is currently providing plan review and inspection of the Caritas Center, which will be a transformative campus of services and housing solutions for currently- and formerly- homeless residents. The Center will include an approximately 46,587 square-foot three-story building. The project will also expand emergency family housing by adding 50 family units on the project site as part of the Caritas Center. The structural system is a proprietary steel Buckling Restrained Braced Frame. At completion of the project, the total population of Caritas Center will be 260 residents.  The Center Building is being permitted in phases (Fast Track) so that construction may begin prior to full permit approval, saving our client both time and money. Permits include grading, deep foundations system, foundation, structural steel and full building permits. 

Palisades Tahoe/Alpine Meadows Base-to-Base Gondola

Palisades Tahoe/Alpine Meadows Base-to-Base Gondola County of Placer, California Under a contract with Alterra Mountain Company, the owner of Palisades Tahoe, Coastland | DCCM completed Third Party plan review and inspection services on the Palisades Tahoe/Alpine Meadows Base-to-Base Gondola project, specifically for the mid-station avalanche enclosure structure that protects the gondola at this location, as well as the new maintenance building and lodge remodel at Alpine Meadows. The project area extends from the base of the Palisades Tahoe Ski Area to the base of the Alpine Meadows Ski Area and includes four sets of terminal foundations and 33 towers with a $65 million construction cost. Through general direction from the Placer County Building Department, Coastland | DCCM also worked with the designers and builders to successfully overcome key code compliance issues early in the process. 

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